File List

Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
exceptions.hpp [code]The exception namespace, and exception-related functions
integer.hpp [code]Declares the arbitrary-length integer type
random.hpp [code]Declares items relating to random numbers
xint.hpp [code]This is the include-everything header
detail/addsubtract.hpp [code]Contains the definitions of the addition and subtraction functions
detail/andorxor.hpp [code]Contains the functions for ANDing, ORing, and XORing
detail/basic_types_and_includes.hpp [code]Contains the most basic types, constants, and includes
detail/bitfunctions.hpp [code]Contains the definitions for the bit-manipulation functions
detail/bitqueue.hpp [code]Contains the bitqueue_t class, used internally
detail/compare.hpp [code]Contains the definitions for the comparison functions
detail/convert.hpp [code]Contains the conversion functions
detail/divide.hpp [code]Contains the definitions of the divide function, and its supporting functions
detail/gcd.hpp [code]Contains functions using the Greatest Common Denominator algorithm
detail/internals.hpp [code]Contains the internal definitions required for all XInt types
detail/log2.hpp [code]Contains the log2 implementations
detail/magnitude_manager.hpp [code]Contains the magnitude_manager_t class
detail/modular.hpp [code]Contains the modular math functions
detail/monty.hpp [code]Contains the Montgomery Reduction functions
detail/multiply.hpp [code]Contains the multiplication and squaring functions
detail/options.hpp [code]Declares the integer_t template options
detail/policies.hpp [code]Contains the policy classes
detail/powers.hpp [code]Contains functions related to powers of a number
detail/prime.hpp [code]Contains the function definitions for the prime number functions
detail/random_by_size.hpp [code]Contains the random_by_size function
detail/randomgen.hpp [code]Contains the function definitions for the random number classes
detail/raw_integer.hpp [code]Contains the raw_integer class declaration, and miscellaneous definitions for member functions
detail/roots.hpp [code]Contains the square-root function definition, and any future root-related ones
detail/shift.hpp [code]Contains the bit-shifting function definitions
detail/streams.hpp [code]Contains the stream input/output code for raw_integer types

© Copyright Chad Nelson, 2010-2011. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at